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Q1 : Who do the hubs serve?

Each hub serves all schools and colleges, from nursery age to 19-year-olds in the broad geographical area it covers.

Q2 : What does the hub itself consist of?

The hub consists of much more than just the lead school or college. It consists of the broad group of partner schools, colleges, and other institutions with a mathematics role or interest that the lead school assembles in a strategic leadership group. These institutions are likely to be spread geographically throughout the hub’s area.

Q3 : How do teachers and schools get involved?

Individual teachers can register with the Maths Hubs programme and associate themselves with their ‘local’ hub, thereby gaining access to the online areas where they can contribute to projects and communicate with other teachers in their area. In a similar fashion, schools can connect to the local hub and both contribute to formulating and running activities of maths education improvement, and, where a school needs support, benefiting from those activities as well.

Q4 : How does the Maths Hubs programme have a national dimension?

The leadership individuals in each hub communicate with each other to share experience and ideas in a national network. This group also meets once a term at the National Maths Hubs Forum. This is the crucible for the development of policies with national significance. We hope the Maths Hubs Forum will become a respected and authoritative voice of leadership in the field of mathematics education.

If you have additional questions please feel free to contact us