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Venn Essex map of areas covered


The Venn Essex Maths Hub was set up in 2020 as part of the expansion of a national collaborative network of 40 Maths Hubs funded by the Department of Education and coordinated by the National Centre of Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM). Venn Essex Maths Hub is led by St Thomas More’s Catholic Primary School, an outstanding school in Colchester. The hub works across the whole of Essex (except Harlow) Southend and Thurrock. 


The Lead School for Venn Essex Maths Hub is St Thomas More’s in Colchester, part of the Rosary Trust. The Maths Hub is based at St Thomas More’s school, Priory Street, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2QB.

Each Maths Hub is a partnership, led locally by a school or college. The Lead School identifies strategic partners, who help plan and evaluate the hub’s work, and operational partners, who help carry out the hub’s work. So the hub is not just the Lead School or college – instead it is more like a maths leadership network involving schools, colleges and other organisations with maths education expertise from across the hub’s area.

Professional development provided by the hub is not the same as that offered by the Lead School. Some of, but not necessarily all, the hub’s leadership team will be based at the Lead School. Some of, but by no means all, the professional development offered by the hub will take place at the Lead School. Most of the Work Groups will take place at schools covering the whole hub area, so your nearest Work Group will be local to you.


Bridget Harris

Senior Leadership Link

Bridget Harris

Natalie Banthorpe

Maths Hub Lead

Natalie Banthorpe

Leona Saker

Assistant Maths Hub Lead

Primary Teaching for Mastery Lead

Leona Saker

Beth Malinowska

Assistant Maths Hub Lead

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Lead

Beth Malinowska

Leigh Bevan

Assistant Maths Hub Lead

Targeted Support (TSM)

Leigh Bevan

Jade Lauricourt

Assistant Maths Hub Lead

Jade Lauricourt

Chris Savage

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Lead

Chris Savage

Kerry McAuley

Maths Hub Project Coordinator

Kerry McCauley

Janine Sawyer

Maths Hub Project Administrator

Janine Sawyer

Stacey Robinson

Maths Hub Finance

Stacey Robinson


Teaching School Hub

Chris Dale Deputy Director at the NCETM
Mark Beyer-Woodgate Director of Harris Chafford Hundred Teaching School Hub
Jess Claridge Lecturer in Mathematics at the University of Essex
Stephen Chynoweth Head of Education & Early Years for Essex County Council
Sean Hayes Board Chair Person
Andy Samways Director of Unity Teaching School Hub
Ceri Jones CEO of Inspires MAT
Kerrie McGivern Deputy Director of Saffron Walden Teaching School Hub
Jo Deko Advanced Maths Support Programme Regional Lead for the East of England
Andrew Smith CEO of PLN (Professional Learning Network)